Terms & Conditions
The cash voucher is valid for 6 months from the issue date.
- This coupon is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash in part or full and valid for a single transaction only
- Strictly no extension of the expiry date from the date of issue will be allowed
- Tung Yao Limited retains the right to reject any voucher that has been tampered with, damaged or found in any way unacceptable.
- We are not responsible if the voucher is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed and no replacement will be provided in these circumstances.No photocopied is allowed.
- This voucher cannot be used together with any other discount offers.
- This voucher can be used once only; multiple of the same type of cash vouchers are accepted per transaction.
- Please present this voucher/ E-voucher before purchase
- Tung Yao Limited reserves the right to terminate the offer or to amend the terms and conditions of the offer without prior notice. In case of any dispute, Tung Yao Limited reserves the right of final decision on all related matters.
- 此券不可退款,不能部分或全部兌換現金,僅對單筆交易有效及不設找贖。
- 此券限於有效期內使用,逾期作廢。
- 童窯有限公司保留拒絕任何被篡改、損壞或以任何管道被發現不可接受的憑證的權利。
- 如果現金券遺失、被盜、損壞或毀壞,我們不承擔任何責任,在這種情況下,我們將不提供更換。不允許影印。
- 此券不可與其他優惠同時使用。
- 此券只可使用一次;每次惠顧可使用多張此類現金券。
- 請於惠顧前出示此券;影印本恕不接受。
- 童窯有限公司保留終止約或修改要約條款的權利,恕不另行通知。如有任何爭議,童窯有限公司保留最終決定權。