TY Ceramics Pass VS ClayLab Membership
童窯自助服務計劃 TY Ceramics Pass |
ClayLab會員計劃 ClayLab Membership |
地點 Location |
西營盤 Sai Ying Pun |
尖沙咀/天后 Tsim Sha Tsui / Tin Hau |
計劃特色 Plan highlights |
每月無限任用陶室,並提供導師支援。以優惠價於空間內的咖啡餐酒館Tropica享用飲品及食物。 Monthly unlimited access with tutor support and wider range of ceramics facilities. Enjoy discounted refreshments from Tropica cafe and wine bar located within the same complex. |
每月於自選地點24小時無限任用陶室 24/7 unlimited monthly access to a convenient location of your choice |
月費Price/Month |
$1260/月起 Starts at $1260/month |
$980/月起 Starts at $980/month |
按金 Deposit |
X | $500 |
Access |
一個月內於陶室開放時間內無限次出入 Unlimited monthly access within studio opening hours |
一個月內24小時無限次出入 Unlimited 24/7 monthly access |
開放時間Opening hour |
星期二/星期四 10AM-8PM 星期三/五/六/日 10AM-6PM Tue/Thu 10:00AM-8PM Wed/Fri/Sat/Sun 10:00AM-6PM |
24小時出入 (全年無休) |
導師支援 |
提供駐場導師支援,解答會員問題 |
X |
陶室設備 |
陶泥 |
免費提供8種陶泥:特白瓷泥 / 高白泥 / 黑瓷泥 / 銅泥 / 教學泥 / 胎泥 / 紅珍珠泥 / 中粗陶 8 types of free clay: Imperial Porcelain / White Stoneware / Black Porcelain / Copper Clay / All Purpose / Red Clay / Red Pearl / Grog Clay |
X |
釉色 |
13款釉下彩及90+款中高溫釉色 |
13款釉下彩及30+款中高溫釉色 |
工具 |
免費使用 |
免費使用 |
儲物空間 |
X |
30cm(高)x50cm(深)x30cm(闊) 30cm(H)x50cm(D)x30cm(W) |
燒製費用 |
$90/pc (15*15*15cm) - 如果件小於15*15*15cm,可以合併 Can be grouped together if items are smaller than 15*15*15cm |
素燒: $0.5/cm |
童窯陶藝用品商店優惠 |
全網95折 |
全網95折(免費送貨至ClayLab) |
朋友邀請 |
X |
$75/人/小時 |
其他會員福利 |
地點 Locations:
TY Ceramics 童窯
G/F, 3A Chiu Kwong Street, Sai Ying Pun
17B, Haven Commercial Building, 6-8 Tsing Fung Street, Tin Hau
CLAYLAB Tsim Sha Tsui
Flat 1102, Kam Hing Building, 20 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon