長期陶藝課程 Membership Package – Long Term & In-depth Learning
Membership is suitable for all learners, and those who want to consistently explore and practise ceramics. Students will learn to create different advanced forms using throwing and hand-building during the lessons, such as vases, sake set and teapot. By combining self-practice hours, students are able to make greater progress during the ceramics journey.
長期陶瓷課程 Membership |
10hours Ceramics Tutorials *學習建議:每堂一小時課程 + 一小時自習 |
此課程包括The Course includes:
10 hours ceramics tutorials
10 hours self-practice time
Free leather bound sketchbook and selected book
Content is adjusted according to students' aptitude
Clay and tools included
One membership can be shared among 3 people
* 在第一堂課的前15至20分鐘,導師會講解工作室的運作及如何清潔用具。
During the first 15-20 minutes of the first lesson, the tutor will provide an explanation of the studio operation and guide you on how to clean up.
長期陶藝課程分為三個級別 Our Membership is split into 3 levels:
Membership A
Membership B
Membership C (skill set top-up)
在我們的技能銜接課中,您將學習運用手捏和拉坯機的陶藝設計和製作技術。 課程包括演示、工作或組件的設計/創建以及小組教程。 筆記將在上課當天分發。 請注意,作品需要在您的自行練習時間內完成。
In our skill set top up classes you will learn techniques for designing and creating advanced forms by hand and on the wheel. Classes include a demonstration, design/creation of your work or components, and group tutorials. Key notes will be handed out on day of class. Please note that works will need to be finished in your own self-practice time.
**Glazing and firing HK$90/ piece (Membership privilege)
購買後,如需預約上堂,請致電2989 2300 或 WhatsApp +852 6015 6044查詢。
For booking & inquiry, please call us at 2989 2300 or WhatsApp +852 6015 6044.
Terms & Conditions
Valid for 6 months starting from the issue date.
- All classes need to be booked in advance.
- Finished items can be collected approximately 4-6 weeks after the completed workshop at the studio.
- All works should be completed within 2 months from the start date of production, and the work should be retrieved within 2 months after the completion of glaze firing.
- This membership is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash in part or full. It is valid for a single transaction only.
- Strictly no extension of the expiry date from the date of issue will be allowed.
- Tung Yao Limited retains the right to reject any purchase that has been tampered with, damaged or found in any way unacceptable.
- Cancellation: If you are unable to attend the lesson for any reason, please inform us at least 24 hours before the workshop during office hours (10 am-6 pm).
- Rearrangement: You can cancel/reschedule your booking TWICE only. If you are unable to attend the make-up classes for any reason, there will be no refunds, rearrangement and rescheduling of workshops. The reserved hours will also be deducted from your package.
- Tung Yao Limited reserves the right to terminate the offer or to amend the terms and conditions of the offer without prior notice. In case of any dispute, Tung Yao Limited reserves the right of final decision on all related matters.
- 所有的課程都需要提前預約上堂。
- 成品可在完成工作坊後約4-6周取回。
- 所有作品需在開始製作當日起兩個月內完成釉燒步驟,並於完成釉燒後兩個月內取回作品。
- 此會藉不可退款,不能部分或全部兌換現金,僅對單筆交易有效。
- 有效期從簽發之日起,不得延長有效期。
- 童窯有限公司保留拒絕任何被篡改、損壞或以任何管道被發現不可接受的憑證的權利。
- 取消: 如果有任何原因導致無法上課,請務必最遲於上課前24小時(上午10點至下午6點)通知我們。
- 更改: 會員有取消或更改課堂時間機會兩次。如取消或更改兩次後,我們將會扣除您已預留的上課時數,將不獲任何退款或補堂。
- 童窯有限公司保留終止約或修改要約條款的權利,恕不另行通知。如有任何爭議, 童窯有限公司保留最終決定權。