內容 Content |
時間 Duration (小時 hour) |
拉坯 - 清酒壺 x 1 & 酒杯 x 2 Throwing - Sake pot x 1 & cups x 2 |
2 |
繪畫 |
1 |
西營盤|Sai Ying Pun
Please contact us to check the availability before booking a session.
The set includes 1 pot and 2 cups.
Finished items can be collected approximately 2-3 weeks after the completed workshop at the studio.
無法預計燒製過程的化學反應, 無法保證成品的效果。
We cannot guarantee the effect of the finished product since the reaction of the process is unpredictable.
All glazed used are 100% food-safe; you can use your own pottery to serve the drinks after the glaze firing.
報名人士須年滿 9 歲以上。
The minimum age requirement for the workshops above is 9.
課程報名一經確定後不得更改至其他課程或取消,所有已繳付之費用不設退款。 如缺席課堂,已繳交之學費不獲退還。
Fees paid are not refundable regardless of whether students have attended classes or not.
Terms & Conditions
Valid for 6 months starting from the issue date.
All classes need to be booked in advance.
Finished items can be collected approximately 4 weeks after the completed workshop at the studio. If work(s) hasn’t been picked up after 2 months, we have the right to dispose them.
This workshop is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash in part or full. It is valid for a single transaction only.
Strictly no extension of the expiry date from the date of issue will be allowed
Tung Yao Limited retains the right to reject any purchase that has been tampered with, damaged or found in any way unacceptable.
Cancellation: If you are unable to attend the lesson for any reason, please inform us at least 24 hours before the workshop during office hours (10 am-6 pm). No-show or cancellation made on lesson day will have no refunds, rearrangement and reschedule of workshops.
Rearrangement: You can reschedule your booking ONCE only. If you are unable to attend the make-up workshop for any reason, there will be no refunds, rearrangement and rescheduling of workshops.
Glaze: Please note that due to chemical reactions and other unpredictable factors during firings, glazes might come out different to our glaze tests.
Crack & Breakage: Work(s) might break or crack during firing due to air bubbles in the material, and/or the uneven surface.
- Please note any unsatisfactory works due to causes listed in 8. Glaze and 9. Crack & Breakage are non-refundable, and we can only offer one class to remake.
- Tung Yao Limited reserves the right to terminate the offer or to amend the terms and conditions of the offer without prior notice. In case of any dispute, Tung Yao Limited reserves the right of final decision on all related matters.
請注意!因8. 釉色和9. 開裂和破損中列出的原因而導致的任何不滿意的作品均不予退款,我們只能提供一次重新上課製作的機會。
童窯有限公司保留終止約或修改要約條款的權利,恕不另行通知。如有任何爭議, 童窯有限公司保留最終決定權。