Breaking down each component of pottery and ceramics, Tung Yao Ceramics offers lessons for each stage of pottery. From hand building and throwing classes, glazing workshops to ceramics painting classes, you’ll be able to learn each step of ceramics in detail from the studio’s knowledgeable instructors.
Doris Lam
The craftsmanship is so traditional, but they are able to take that and turn it into something quite modern as well
Maggie Hiufu Wong
小朋友雖然少咗外出,但停不了求知欲和好奇心。在家學習仍不忘探索新玩意,天天要開心玩開心學。今次小熊妺就上咗童窯的網上陶藝課程。😉 導師透過Zoom 進行小班教學,上堂前幾日就速遞1set 教材俾我哋,step by step 咁教小朋友手捏&上色技巧,發揮創意。😍 呢個其實係一個親子班,但對已經6歲的小熊妺我已經放手畀佢自己嘗試,。佢好專心上堂,亦都能夠掌握到大部分導師的教學。作品當然唔係完美,但係由自己親手製作的第一件成品,媽媽同小熊妹都非常滿意。